Service Number: 827025
Address: Chilliwack, BC
Birth Date and Age: 4 July 1888 - 28 in 1916
Place of Birth: Juarez Mexico
Next of Kin:
Father - Joseph Robson / Gondo Robin Hormon
Mother – Bishina Counom
Address: Father; Singapore, India (134 Linge St.) Mother; Counial Raper, India
Trade: Sawyer
Place and Date of Attestation: October 20, 1916. Vancouver
Military Unit: 47th, 143rd Bn (Railway Construction Bn)
Service: Britain, France
Medical Records: Wounded, remained at duty 18/1/18
Date of Embarkation: May 7, 1919. Liverpool to Halifax
Demobilization: 21 May 1919 Vancouver
Later History: farmer
Last Known Address: Chilliwack (General Delivery, Vancouver)
Family Names:
Wife: Indu Kaur (Indercorp Hindu) (Mrs. Ind Kur)
Address: (Patti) Raipur P.O. Raiper, India
(Poti Rangeki P.O.)
Village Raipur, Thana Delu District, Ludisham, Pounjoub, Indi
Time and Place of Death: ?